Instructions:(watch the video tutorials)

The board

The game of fox and hounds (also called “Wolf and Sheep”, “Hounds and Hare”, “Fox and Geese”, or “Devil and Tailors”) is played on an ordinary checkerboard between the fox (here it is a cat), who has one black piece, and the hounds, who have four white ones.

The pieces move only diagonally on the white squares (as in Checkers).

Beginning of the game

Initially the four hounds are placed in the last row and the cat in a square in the first row. The cat always starts.

The moves:

The Quantum State:

After the cat is split in levels 4 and 5, the quantum state is described by the position inside each square
i.e. the right, center and left of the square.
In level 5, if a hound is in superposition, then each of the three quantum states (left, center, right) describes a superposed cat
and a superposed hound.

Quantum effects:

How to win:

The cat player wins if (all) cats have passed all the hounds.

The hounds' player wins if (at least one) cat is trapped, i.e. has no possible moves.

If the cat is in a superposition and only one cat is trapped, the game ends with partial win/lose to both players.