What is Schrodinger Cat and Hounds?

The Game: Schrodinger Cat and Hounds is the quantum extension of the well-known Fox and Hounds game. Here, also, there are hounds chasing a fox/cat whose purpose is to escape. However, the rules of the game now include the laws of Quantum Physics.

Quantum Physics: Our world is governed by the laws of Quantum Physics. One of the fundamental ones is Superposition, meaning that two different states can exist at the same time. In Schrodinger Cat and Hounds, the cat can "split" and become in a superposition of several places. This means that the cat is in different places at the same time.

Measurements: In the observed world, we cannot see a "quantum-cat" in two different places. When a measurement is performed, the cat's position Collapses to one of its possible locations. Which location is determined probabilistically, thus inserting inherent randomness into our world.

Interferences In the quantum world, quantum objects behave as waves, particle-wave duality, and can interferece with themselves. In Schrodinger Cat and Hounds, the quantum cat also has a phase, thus allowing constructive or destrcutive interference. In the former two quantum cats sum up to become one larger (more probable) cat, while in the latter the two quantum cats "cancel each other" and result in their disappearance.

Entanglement Two quantum objects can become correlated in a special way. Measuring one can (instantaneously) influence the other. This is called Entanglement. In Schrodinger Cat and Hounds, a hound can become entangled to the cat, both of which quantum. This results in the fact that measurement of the cat's position influences the entangled hound's position. Entanglement can also obstruct interferences, thus causing quantum object to appear classical. In Schrodinger Cat and Hounds, a hound entangled to a quantum cat may result in the cat's inability to interfere with itself.

Purpose of the Game: The purpose of Schrodinger Cat and Hounds is to teach in an entertaining way the counter-intuitive nature of Quantum Physics. We believe that through this game, the player will learn what are Superpositions, Measurements, Interferences and Entanglement. The player will develop a deeper understanding of the quantum world, while at the same time, have a lot of fun.