What is Schrodinger Cat and Hounds?

The Games: Quantum games are the quantum extension of well-known classical games. Quantum games have the same goal as their classical counterparts, but the rules have been changed to accomodate quantum mechanics laws.

Quantum Physics: The games include unique quantum features such as: superposition in which a game object (e.g. mine or cat) can be in several places at the same time; Quantum measurments that probabilistically change the game board; Constructive and desctructive interferences, by which game pieces can disappear or reappear; Entanglement that makes distant game pieces be quantumly correlated.

Purpose of the Game: The purpose of Quantum Games is to teach in an entertaining way the counter-intuitive nature of Quantum Physics. We believe that through this game, the player will learn what are Superpositions, Interferences, Measurements and Entanglement. The player will develop a deeper understanding of the quantum world, while at the same time, have a lot of fun.